Disquiet Junto Project 0634: Bust a Move
Dear Members of the Disquiet Junto,
There isn't much to report this week. Rain persists. Writing persists. Guitar practice persists. We're somehow more than halfway through February. There are several potential Junto projects in the works that have been proposed by participants. As always, if you have ideas for project, shoot me a note. Also, we'll pretty soon begin one of the most popular Junto projects each year — in which, over the course of three weeks, we produce a range of asynchronous trios.
If you noticed that this email is appearing earlier in your inbox than it used to, that's because our new delivery service, Buttondown (replacing TinyLetter), allows me to schedule the sending in advance. For many members, this will provide additional time to participate.
Oh, and next Tuesday, February 27, there will be an episode of the Artists & Hackers podcast that focuses on Creative Commons, and part of it involves the Disquiet Junto. Several Junto members' music (licensed via the Creative Commons) appears (credited) in the episode. (Somewhat ironically, this week's Junto project is based more on the public domain than on Creative Commons.)
That covers it. Thanks, as always, for your generosity with your time, creativity, and curiosity.
Best from San Francisco,
. . .
Disquiet Junto Project 0634: Bust a Move
The Assignment: Record a piece of music on top of a muffled recording of a piece of classical music.
Step 1: Locate a public domain recording of a piece of classical music, perhaps at archive.org.
Step 2: In some manner, muffle the original until it sounds like it is being heard from underground or through a thick wall. Perhaps run it through a low-pass filter. Or actually record it through a thick wall.
Step 3: Listen closely to what remains of the recording after Step 2.
Step 4: Record a piece of music on top of the audio that resulted from Step 2, leaving that foundation audible to some degree.
Tasks Upon Completion:
Label: Include “disquiet0634” (no spaces/quotes) in the name of your track.
Upload: Post your track to a public account (SoundCloud preferred but by no means required). It’s best to focus on one track, but if you post more than one, clarify which is the “main” rendition.
Share: Post your track and a description explanation at https://llllllll.co/t/disquiet-junto-project-0634-bust-a-move/
Discuss: Listen to and comment on the other tracks.
Additional Details:
Length: The length is up to you. Optimally, it will be exactly the same length as the source audio.
Deadline: Monday, February 26, 2024, 11:59pm (that is: just before midnight) wherever you are.
About: https://disquiet.com/junto/
Newsletter: https://juntoletter.disquiet.com/
License: It’s preferred (but not required) to set your track as downloadable and allowing for attributed remixing (i.e., an attribution Creative Commons license).
Please Include When Posting Your Track:
More on the 634th weekly Disquiet Junto project, Bust a Move — The Assignment: Record a piece of music on top of a muffled recording of a piece of classical music — at https://disquiet.com/0634/
The image associated with this track is in the public domain, via Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Beethoven_bust_statue_by_Hagen.jpg