Disquiet Junto Project 0646: Empty Orchestra

Dear Members of the Disquiet Junto,
This week’s project tangentially connects with karaoke. More details below. Thanks, as always, for your generosity with your time, creativity, and curiosity.
Best from San Francisco,
. . .
Disquiet Junto Project 0646: Empty Orchestra
The Assignment: Interpret the literal translation of “karaoke.”
Step 1: You may or may not be familiar with the literal meaning of the word “karaoke.” The first two syllables are the Japanese word for “empty.” The final two syllables are an abbreviation of the Japanese word for “orchestra.” Consider how the term “empty orchestra” connects with the idea of karaoke.
Step 2: Think about the term “empty orchestra” on its own, apart from its association with karaoke. Come up with a new meaning for it. What kind of genre or musical form would “empty orchestra” be on its own?
Step 3: Record a piece of music exemplifying the ideas that arose to you during Step 2.
Tasks Upon Completion:
Label: Include “disquiet0646” (no spaces/quotes) in the name of your track.
Upload: Post your track to a public account (SoundCloud preferred but by no means required). It’s best to focus on one track, but if you post more than one, clarify which is the “main” rendition.
Share: Post your track and a description/explanation at https://llllllll.co/t/disquiet-junto-project-0646-empty-orchestra/
Discuss: Listen to and comment on the other tracks.
Additional Details:
Length: The length is up to you.
Deadline: Monday, May 20, 2024, 11:59pm (that is: just before midnight) wherever you are.
About: https://disquiet.com/junto/
Newsletter: https://juntoletter.disquiet.com/
License: It’s preferred (but not required) to set your track as downloadable and allowing for attributed remixing (i.e., an attribution Creative Commons license).
Please Include When Posting Your Track:
More on the 646th weekly Disquiet Junto project, Empty Orchestra — The Assignment: Interpret the literal translation of “karaoke” — at https://disquiet.com/0646/
The depicted theater in the cover image is the Teresa Carreño Cultural Complex in Caracas, Venezuela.