Disquiet Junto Project 0675: Arc of the Drone
Dear Members of the Disquiet Junto,
After this week’s “Arc of the Drone,” there will be three more projects before the end of 2024. The last of those will be the same diary/journal project we do every year, which leaves two more between now and then. If there are particular types of projects you are looking to do, let me know. That would be great.
Meanwhile: This coming Monday, December 9, will mark that we have gone eight months since project 0640, which means that it will then be time for me to post the audio that was recorded for it. If you don’t recall — or weren’t around for — that project, the idea was to record a piece of music, send it to me, and then delete it from your hard drive. (Yeah, kinda scary — for me as well as for the musicians.) When I post the music this coming week, none of the resulting 27 tracks will have been heard by the musicians who made them since they were recorded. (Project 0640, which was titled Time Vault, is highly unusual for the Junto. Every other project since we started, back in January 2012, involved participants more or less immediately posting a track online.) My original plan was to simply post the Time Vault tracks myself on my soundcloud.com/disquiet account, attributing the music to the individual artists, but it occurs to me that some participants may want to post the tracks themselves, in which case I can return the tracks to them directly. Either way is fine. I’ll be in touch, and you can let me know if you want me to post it myself, or if you want me to return it to you so you can post it. I’ll mention this on Lines, as well.
And that covers it. I hope everyone is well. And thanks, as always, for your generosity with your time, creativity, and curiosity.
Best from San Francisco,
. . .
Disquiet Junto Project 0675: Arc of the Drone
The Assignment: Record a drone that goes from simple to complex to simple.
Step 1: You may, yourself, be experienced recording drone music, or you may never have recorded any. You may not even be sure what drone music is, in which case read up a bit. Not matter your experience and familiarity, please give some thought as to what constitutes drone music.
Step 2: Now think about what makes a drone simple and what makes a drone complex.
Step 3: Now record a piece of drone music that begins simple, gets complex, and then gets simple again. And note: The simple drone at the end needn’t necessarily be the same sort of drone with which the piece opens.
Tasks Upon Completion:
Label: Include “disquiet0675” (no spaces/quotes) in the name of your track.
Upload: Post your track to a public account (SoundCloud preferred but by no means required). It’s best to focus on one track, but if you post more than one, clarify which is the “main” rendition.
Share: Post your track and a description/explanation at https://llllllll.co/t/disquiet-junto-project-0675-arc-of-the-drone/
Discuss: Listen to and comment on the other tracks.
Additional Details:
Length: The length is up to you. How long is your arc?
Deadline: Monday, December 9, 2024, 11:59pm (that is: just before midnight) wherever you are.
About: https://disquiet.com/junto/
Newsletter: https://juntoletter.disquiet.com/
License: It’s preferred (but not required) to set your track as downloadable and allowing for attributed remixing (i.e., an attribution Creative Commons license).
Please Include When Posting Your Track:
More on the 675th weekly Disquiet Junto project, Arc of the Drone — The Assignment: Record a drone that goes from simple to complex to simple — at https://disquiet.com/0675/